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The Full Story. (Back)

Born and raised in Veurne, West Flanders, on September 20, 1961.

After training in electronics, I started as an installer at the then RTT, now Proximus, Belgium’s biggest telecom operator. This was my only employer for 42 years, and I had fun there! On October 1, 2022, I retired after a rewarding career, mostly in the Sales division. You can see a photo in the photo gallery of my latest team, a top team of Account Managers!

In the mid-1990s I obtained my Tour Leader badge after a 3-year evening school course and started right away as a guide. This in combination with my job at telecom installer.

As a guide at Van Bogget Reizen, I accompanied and guided groups all over Europe. It was clear that guiding groups became a great passion of mine. My favourite destination is without a doubt still London and the whole of the UK.

No wonder that one of my other passions is English history, more specifically the Tudor Dynasty.

A third great passion is music. Both active and passive. The guitar is my favourite instrument and the inspiration for this came and still comes from my great hero, Bob Dylan. I have already been able to experience more than 200 live concerts from this Artist.

Art also occupies a large place in my life, especially painting and sculpture. I owe this to my mentor and also a great artist, Marcel Van Driessche (1925 - 2012). He opened my eyes to the beauty of art, and I am eternally grateful to him for this. In addition to his work, my inner strings always vibrate when I look at works by E.Shiele, G.Klimt, V.Van Gogh, well, too many to mention, but colour and light are determining factors for me.

Of course, I also like to travel. The most impressive journey I undertook, together with my Danish wife Pia from my home base Copenhagen, was to Hawaii. What an overwhelmingly beautiful nature!

Besides my Danish Viking wife, my family and good friends, my cat, Flayosc, is part of my rich life.

Since my retirement I am 100% ready to guide again. As a Freelance guide I hope to, one day, guide you to your dream destination.


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