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Anyone who has read the book 'The Burgundians' by Bart Van Loo will be very satisfied with this interesting trip to the heart of Burgundy, to the Palace of 'Les Ducs de Bourgogne' located in the pleasant city of Dijon.

Of course, a visit to the Palace is on the agenda, where you will be able to admire the incredibly beautiful three-dimensional figurines on the tomb of Philip the Bold, chiseled by Claus Sluter.

But we go further, where no tourists come, Hyggetours takes you to the 'Mozeswell', a work of art by the same Claus Sluter and so beautifully described by Bart Van Loo in his fantastic book.

Of course there is also time to enjoy the culinary offer and, of course, the delicious Burgundy wine.

A trip to Beaune is also planned to visit the impressive Hospices de Beaune. Finally, how could it be without, we visit one of the many wine cellars where, after a taste, you have the opportunity to buy the red pleasure.

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